The web upload function gives the possibility to share videos directly on a channel without using the software. The web upload is available on unlimited channels. If you don’t have the features available, make sure that the function is activated on the channel and that you have the correct rights to upload a document.

  • Open the channel
  • Open the collection were the videos should be uploaded

  • Click on the button «add a video »

  • Select up to 4 videos (the selected video will be merged into one document), edit the title if needed, add keyword if necessary and click on upload

  • Wait until the upload process is completed. 

  • Once the document is published, it appears on the tv channel but is not available immediately as it still needs to be converted. The message “video is processing” is displayed in the meanwhile.

  • Refresh the page. When the thumbnail of the video appears, the document is available.

Technical information 


Supported video formats

  • .mp4 
  • .mov
  • .mts
  • .m2ts


Video sizes

The maximum size of each video is 4 gigabytes. The web upload allows you to share up to 4 videos in one upload for a total of 16 gigabytes (4 videos of 4 gigabytes).



  • It is not possible to upload several documents simultaneously on one browser. Use a different browser if you want to publish video in parallel.
  • The web upload is only available on computers.
  • The Dartclip of the video are not shared with the video when uploading it with the "Web Upload" feature.  The information contained in the Dartclip is not applied on the video.