myDartfish uses limited sharing. The features of this type of sharing are:

  • It's simple. You simply share a link to a video using your Dartfish Express app or to videos and collections using a browser
  • No sign-in or account creation is required by the recipient of the link
  • Video links give access to both the video and the collection in which it is located
  • Anyone who has the link can give it to anyone else so they can see it too

If you want to remove access without deleting the video or collection? The answer is to reset the link as follows:

  1. In a browser go to and sign in
  2. Click myCollections at the top of the page
  3. Select the collection for which the link is to be reset
  4. Click the Share Link icon (found above the list of videos)
  5. Click Reset Link

Reset link breaks all previously shared links to both the collection and its contents.