Audio may be as important as video when analyzing an event. Some details that are barely noticeable on a video, be it due to the poor image quality or an unfortunate camera angle, may become obvious when listening to the audio track. To help with this, Dartfish offers the option to display the audio track as a waveform in a graph. Imagine a tough call in a batting sport where it is unclear whether the batter has hit the ball. Spikes in the audio waveform will make spotting the hit easier.


Dartfish software with myDartfish Pro S or VAR System license

Enable the audio track as a waveform data source in Replay

  • Launch Dartfish software and go to the Replay workspace
  • In the Menu Bar, click on Tools>Options>Advanced
  • In the Analyzer section, enable the option Generate audio waveform data source
  • Restart the software to apply the change

Enable the audio track as a waveform data source in Live

  • Launch Dartfish software
  •  Open the Live workspace
  • Go to Source, select a camera and tick the box Generate audio waveform data source
  •  Go back to the Live workspace

Display the audio track as a waveform data source

Once you have followed the previous sections and enabled the audio track as a waveform data source, follow the next steps to display the waveform in Live or Replay:

  • Select the Graph drawing tool
  • Draw the graph area on the video, then click on Configure Data Graph
  • Select the Right and Left streams by adding them to the right table. Then, click on OK
  • Configure the format data series for each stream
    • Tick Show waveform
    • Set a custom scale to highlight the visibility of the noises you are looking for
    • Click on OK after choosing the remaining formatting settings

The audio track is now visible as a waveform

TIP: save the graph using the Export as drawing template feature. That way, you won't have to reconfigure the data graph format the next time you will use it


When clicking on Confgiure Data Graph, you may see the following error message: "There is no data source attached ton the clip or there is no data stream compatible with the drawing shape". Make sure that you have enabled the audio track as a waveform data source (cf. previous sections). 

In Replay, if the issue persists, right-click on the video in the tray and select Properties. Open the Audio tab and make sure that Output 1 is set to Front Left and Output 2 is set to Front Right in the audio matrix.